Boat Detailing

miami boat detailing

At Quality Auto Care, our commitment to providing exceptional detailing services doesn't end with cars. We extend our expertise to the open waters, offering professional and thorough boat detailing services that ensure your watercraft looks its best and is protected against the elements.


1. Experienced Team: Our team of skilled technicians has extensive experience in boat detailing. We understand the unique challenges of marine detailing and are well-equipped to handle all types of boats, from small pleasure crafts to luxurious yachts.

2. Comprehensive Cleaning: We offer a comprehensive range of boat detailing services, including hull cleaning, topside polishing, deck washing, and interior cleaning. Our goal is to leave no nook or cranny untouched, ensuring every inch of your boat sparkles.

3. Hull Restoration: Over time, hulls can accumulate barnacles, algae, and other marine growth. We provide hull cleaning and restoration to enhance your boat's performance and fuel efficiency while preserving its appearance.

4. Topside Polishing: Our skilled technicians use high-quality products and techniques to bring out the shine in your boat's topside. This not only enhances its aesthetics but also safeguards the gel coat from UV damage.

5. Interior Detailing: Your boat's interior is just as important as its exterior. We offer thorough interior cleaning and upholstery maintenance to keep the cabin, seats, and other components in pristine condition.

6. Protective Treatments: To protect your boat from the harsh marine environment, we offer various protective treatments, such as waxing and UV-resistant coatings, which safeguard against sun damage and saltwater corrosion.

7. Convenience: We understand that boat owners have busy schedules. That's why we offer flexible scheduling options to accommodate your needs, ensuring your boat receives the care it deserves at a convenient time for you.

8. Environmentally Friendly: We're committed to environmentally friendly practices. Our cleaning products are eco-friendly, and we take care to minimize any impact on the water and surrounding ecosystems.

Whether you use your boat for leisure, fishing, or water sports, it's essential to keep it in top condition. Our boat detailing services are tailored to your specific vessel, ensuring it not only looks stunning but also maintains its value and functionality.

At Quality Auto Care, we're passionate about keeping your boat in the best possible condition, ensuring that your time on the water is a clean, safe, and enjoyable experience. Contact us today to schedule your boat detailing service and trust us to deliver the quality and care that your watercraft deserves. Your satisfaction is our top priority, and we look forward to enhancing your boating experience.